Property 🏠
Features of the loan section after divorce Being married, the spouses lead a common life, acquire various objects and objects that become joint property
Property 🏠
What is the regime for establishing separate residence for spouses? Relationships between spouses are in most cases characterized by cohabitation.
What does the concept of division of property mean? The division of the spouses’ property in a divorce is a division, jointly acquired over the years
What does the spouses common property mean? During a joint family life, a husband and wife acquire various property: apartments, cars, land plots, household
Divorce abroad Divorce procedure abroad through consulate in Ukraine The procedure for divorce abroad through the consulate is regulated by the Instruction
Turnkey divorce with a lawyer in Ukraine Turnkey divorce without the participation of the parties in Ukraine A turnkey divorce is a procedure for dissolving
File for divorce from prisoner in Ukraine File for divorce from her imprisoned husband at the registry office in Ukraine Fortunately, Ukrainian legislation
Divorce in court without attendance in Ukraine Divorce through court without the presence of spouses in Ukraine When deciding on divorce, disputes often
Divorce without consent How to get a divorce without the consent of one of the spouses in Ukraine? Divorce without the mutual consent of one of the spouses
DIVORCE LAWYER SERVICES IN UKRAINE Divorce through court with divorce lawyer in Ukraine Marital disputes between spouses that arise during divorce are