Children 👶
What are the novelties of the legislation on the temporary departure of a child abroad? The Law of Ukraine of July 3, 2018 No. 2475-eighth (https://zakon.
Adoption of a child in Ukraine Child adoption: what is it? Adoption is the acceptance by the adoptive parent into his family of an individual as a son or daughter.
Departure of the child abroad: the main aspects Children under the age of sixteen can leave the country only in the presence of one of their relatives
Consent divorce: what is it? Consent divorce is the dissolution of a marriage between spouses who have expressed a joint desire to end the formal family
Juvenile marriage Marriage of minor children As evidenced by the modern practice of family legal relations, young couples are increasingly making decisions
Dates of divorce of spouses in Ukraine Terms of divorce without children through the registry office in Ukraine The terms of a divorce through the registry
Divorce by mutual consent through a court in Ukraine What does consent divorce mean in Ukraine? Consensual divorce means that the couple has made a joint
Divorce without consent How to get a divorce without the consent of one of the spouses in Ukraine? Divorce without the mutual consent of one of the spouses